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All articles tagged health

May 21 2016

What a heart-healthy dietitian eats in a day

by My Inner Space

By Carmen Chai Health Reporter  Global News Trying to eat healthy can be confusing for some Canadians, but what tweaks do they need to make if they’re putting their heart health first? Diet and lifestyle are major factors in keeping away...

Apr 19 2016

Drinking from a copper cup: Good for health or the latest health fad?

by My Inner Space

By. Meghan Holohan The latest health claim says that drinking water from a copper cup boosts health by reducing inflammation, bolstering brain functioning, aiding in weight loss, slowing aging, fighting cancer, and acting like an anti- microbial. Whoa, does this mean...

Oct 02 2015

Homemade flu-fighting tea recipe

by My Inner Space

It’s flu season, again. And while everyone stocks up on cold and flu medication I keep reminding myself, “It’s not the germ, it’s the terrain”. This saying, which I learned from a former professor, is one I repeat to all...

Jun 08 2015

Brain directly linked to immune system

by My Inner Space

In a discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers have found that the brain is directly linked to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. The discovery could have profound implications for diseases from autism to...

Jun 08 2015

Spending half the day on your feet reduces risk of heart attacks and cancer, study says

by My Inner Space

Office workers should abandon their chairs for half their working day to reduce their risk of heart attacks, cancer, or diabetes, according to new guidance recommending people spend at least two hours – and preferably four – a day on...